Antonio Gramsci was the propagator Marxism, the founder of the Communist Party of Italy. He is noted for battling right-wing fascist ideology and advocating communism during the early four decades of the twentieth century.

Life Introduction:

 Antonio Gramsci was born on 22 January 1891 in the 'Ales' province of 'Cagliari' in Sardinia (Italy). His father's name was 'Francisco Gramsci' and mother's name was 'Giuseppina Mercias'. Antonio Gramsci was the fourth child out of seven children in the family. His mother Giuseppina Mercias could not drink her milk to Gramshi due to some disease. Therefore, for this work, she appointed a midwife 'Melis'. Gramsci did not receive the proper amount of nutritious food due to inadvertence and neglect of the midwife. He was a ectomorphic (weak) child. Due to midwife inadvertence he fell down the stairs and was paralyzed due to lack of proper medical care. Later, a hunch came out of his back. The children used to humiliate him as a 'hunchback Antonio'.

 Political opponents of Gramsci's father, Francisco, were implicated in corruption and sent to jail. Antonio's mother continued to raise children by sewing-embroidery.

 Gramsci never had a sweet relationship with the father, but he had a deep attachment to the mother. Mother's spontaneous narration style, resilience to situations and lively humor had a profound effect on her personality.

 Gramsci had told his son - "I was very undisciplined at your age. Often used to roam around the village for hours but due to my good memory, studies were going on properly... The truth is that cleverness I used to succeed in school only with a little education."

 Gramscigot the opportunity to pursue higher education through a scholarship at the University of 'Turin'. Gradually he started joining the socialist movement. In 1913 Gramsci, on the recommendation of 'Taska' Obtained membership of the Italian Socialist Party. The Italian invasion of Libya divided the Socialist Party into three factions. One of which was Mussolini Also, young socialists and Gramsci also supported Mussolani's extremist policies. Later, Mussolini became the founder of the fascist movement and dictator of Italy.

 Between 1915 and 1917 Gramsci studied the major compositions of Marx. Gramsci was elected the leader of the Turin Socialist Party in 1917, and Gramsci's political struggle began. Gramshi began to believe that "the capitalist is responsible for the war and that the sufferings of the workers were also due to the excess of capitalist exploitation." After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Gramsci's interest arose in the Bolshevik movement. Gramsci, like a similar movement, tried to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat by political revolution by intensifying class struggle. In 1919, there were 1,663 strikes in industries and 208 strikes in the field of farming. Gramsci also contributed significantly to the expansion and mobility of labour councils in Turin. Gramsci attempted to gradually organize the Italian working or labour class.

 According to Gramsci - "All the exploited are horses in my eyes on which their exploiters ride and the end of exploitation is possible only by struggle."

 TheItalian fascist court for revolutionary activities sentenced Gramsci to 20 years imprisonment in 1928. Gramsci gave expression to the revolutionary consciousness gained by Marxism in his social and political thinking. The thinking and writing of Gramsci is divided into two periods. Pre-imprisonment from 1910 to 1926 and after imprisonment from 1929 to 1935. While the original voice of pre-imprisonment writing was political, Gramshi moved towards historical and theoretical writing after imprisonment.

 When 'Genevieve' saw the physical and mental condition of Gramsci in Moscow, he sent the sanatorium for treatment and relaxation. 

* Gramsci was introduced to a woman named 'Julia', who later got married to Gramsci.

 Later, Gramsci started criticizing Mussolini's fascism. Fascism is the name of the downfall of Italian society, the result of which is the abolition of the state. Fascists were called by the Gramsci 'Monkey People'. In 1923, Mussolini jailed more than 5000 communist activists and issued a warrant in the name of Gramsci.

 Gramsci still hoped that labour class could bring down the fascist government through struggle. On 8 November 1926, the Fascist government sent Gramsci to prison on the island of 'Ustika' on charges of inciting rebellion in 'Sardinia'. Gramsci on 4 June 1927 was sentenced to imprisonment for 20 years, 5 months and 5 days. The alleged purpose of putting Gramsci in jail was to block his brain's functioning for 20 years Gramsci was tortured harshly in the jail, as a result of which his health fell very fast. When the possibility of Gramsci's survival ended, then once again treatment and relaxation were arranged in the sanatorium, butt could not be of any special benefit. Finally, on 25 April 1937 Antoni Gramsci's brain gland exploded and he died on 27 April 1937 in Rome Italy.

 Gramsci was widely influenced by many philosophers and thinkers, including George Wilhelm, Friedrich Hegel, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Antonio Labriola, Croce, Machiavalli.

 Gramsci's brain function continued during the ten years of prison life. After Gramsci's death, his sister-in-law 'Tatiana' secretly brought out these notes. 'Prison notebooks' written during imprisonment are representative documents of Gramsci's ideology and theoretical writings In this, they examined the base and superstructure, the mutual relations of the proletariat and the intellectual community. Thoroughly studied and analyzed the relative freedom of ideology (philosophy, art, ethics, etc.) Gramsci's study of Italian culture, Catholicism, Expressionist philosophy of Croche and criticism of suffragist theories in sociology, Marxist theory occupy an important place.