Jiddu Krishnamurthy was a writer and preacher of philosophical spital subjects, mental revolution, nature of mind, meditation, human relationships positive changes in society? etc. were the subjects in wich has got an expertise. He always insisted that every human needs mental revolution and be believed that such a revolution is not possible ftom any external factor, whether it is religious, political or social.
Life introduction:
Krishnamurty's full name is Jiddu Krishnamurthy. He was born as the 8th child in the family. Lord shri Krishna was also the eighth child of vasudeva, hence he was named Krishnamurty. He was born on 11 May 1895 in the Madanapalli village of Madras Presidency in eastwhile an India Madanapali village currently comes under Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. His father was Mr. Jiddu Narayanayya and his mother's was Mrs. Jiddu Sanjeevamma. Krishnamurthy had three brothers. The religious background of Krishnamurty, the family had a widespread impact on Krishnamurty. His mother died at the age of 10, the demise of mother left a deep impact on Krishnamurty.
At the age of 14, Krishnamurthy moved to Adyar (now Chennai) Krishnamurty's father was a member of the 'Theosophical society in Adyar, Krishnamurthy met Mrs. Annie Besant, Chairperson of Theosophical Society Mrs. Annie Besant adopted Krishnamurthy in teenager and he was looked after in a completely religious and spiritual environment. Annie Besant was highly influenced by Krishnamurty, who sent Krishnamurthy to England to pursue higher education.
In 1922, Krishnamurty felt a deep spiritual feeling, a touch of passion about which he himself said, "That compassion removes all misery and anxiety." He spread this spiritual experiences through tours in many countries of the world like India, England, Holland, and America, Australia etc.
Krishnamurthy believed education to be the major factor in social change, he emphasized the widespread change in the current education. He founded the Krishnamurty Foundation. He died at the age of 90 of February 17, 1986 in Ojai, California.
Krishnamurthy's major works:
His literature includes public talks, questions, discussion, interviews, interactions, diaries and his own writing. So far, more than books and more than 700 audio, more than 1200 videos, cassettes, are available. His original literature is in the English language, which have been translated into several major languages. Audio and video tapes talks, questions, discussions, interviews, interactions, discourses are also available.
The following are the major works of Krishnamurty
1. Freedom from the known,
2. Meditation,
3. Beyond violence,
4. Education and the significance of life,
5. Krishnamurthi on education,
6. Letters to the schools,
7. Urgency of change,
8. Happy is the man who is nothing,
9. The Book of life,
10.Freedom, Responsibility and Discipline.