In addition to social networking sites there are other types of sites that help ordinary people communicate across the web.

Many individusals create personal websites, Called Weblogs or Blogs, To keep in touch with friends and family. Blog postings are time stamped and arranged with the newest item first. Often readers of these sites are allowed to comment. Some blogs are like online diaries with personal information; Others focus on information about a hobby or theme, Such as knitting, electronic devices, or good books. Although most are written by individual bloggers, there are also group blogs with multiple contributors. Some businesses and newspapers also have started blogging as a quick publishing method. Several sites provide tools to create blogs. Two of the most widely used are Blogger and Wordpress.


It is a website specially Designed to allow visitors to fill in mising information or correct inaccurancies. "Wiki" comes from the Hawaiian word for fast, Which describes the simplicity of editing and publishing through wiki software. Wikis support collaborative writing in which there is not a single expert author, but rather a community of intrested people that builds Knowledge over time. Perhaps the most famous example is Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia, written and edited by anyone who wants to contribute, that has millions of entries in over 20 languages.