Lord William Bentinck (1828-1835)

• Most liberal and enlightened amongst all the Governor-Generals of India.
• Regarded as the Father of Modern Western Education in India'
• Abolition of Sati in 1829.
• Suppression of Thugi (1830).
• Passed the Charter Act, of 1833.
• Deposition of Raja of Mysore and annexation of his territories (1831).
• Abolition of Provincial court of Appeal and appointment of commissioners instead He was the First Governor-General of India.
• First Medical College was opened in Calcutta in 1835.
• Treaty of Friendship with Ranjit Singh (1831).
• Annexed Coorg (1834) and Central
Cachar (1831).

Sir Charles Metcalfe (1835-36)

• Passed the famous Press Law, which liberated the press in India. He is known as the liberator of press.

Lord Auckland (1836-42)

• First Afghan War (1836-42)
• Death of Ranjit Singh (1839).

Lord Ellenborough (1842-44)

• Brought an end to the Afghan War (1842).
• Abolished Slavery Sind was annexed by Charles Napier He was appointed as First Governor of Sind.

Lord Hardinge (1844-48)

• First Anglo-Sikh War and the Treaty of Lahore.

Lord Dalhousie (1848-56)

• Second Anglo-Sikh War (1848-49) and
annexation of Punjab.
• Abolished titles and pensions.
• Widow Remarriage Act (1856).
• Introduced Doctrine of Lapse.
• Woods Educational Despatch of 1854.
• Introduction of the Railway Telegraph
and the Postal System in 1853.
• Establishment of a separate Public
Works Department in every province.
• An established at Roorkee. was
• Engineering College Planned to open universities in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras on the model of Universities of London.
• Second Anglo-Burmese War (1852)
• Santhal uprisings (1855-56)
• Charter Act of 1853.


Lord Canning (1856-1862)

• Revolt of 1857.

• Universities of Calcutta, Bombay and Maitras were opened in 1857.
• He was last Governor General appointed by the East India Company and the first Viceroy.
• Passed the Government of India Act of 1858, which ended the rule of the East India Company.
• The Doctrine of Lapeo was withdrawn The Indian Penal Code (1850) was passed Income tax was introduced for the first time m 1858.
• The Indigo ricts in Bengal.
• The Indian Councils Act of 1861 was passed, which proved to be a landmark in the constitutional history of India.
• Indian High Count Act, (1861) Under this act High Courts were opened in 1865
• Bombas and Madras founded in 1857

Lord Elgin-1 (1862-63)

• Wihald Movement suppressed

Sir John Lawrence(1864-69)
• High Courts were established at Calciata, Bombay and Madras in 1865. War with libutan in 1865
• The Punjab Tenancy Act, was passed

Lord Mayo (1869-72)

• lntroduction of financial decentralisation in India and made the first Provincial Settlement in 1870.
• He established the Department of Agriculture and Commerce.
• He organised the Statistical Survey of India In 1872, the first Census was dene in India. He established the Rajkot College in Kathiawar and Mayo College at Ajmer.
• He was the only viceroy to be murdered in office by a convict in the Andaman in 1872.
• He introduced state railways.

Lord Northbrook (1872-76)
• In 1872, Kuka Rebellion in Punjab let by Ram Singh Famine in Bihar (1876).
• He resigned over Afghanistan question.
• Trial of Gaekwads of Baroda

Lord Lytton (1876-80)
• Most unpopular Viceroy of India
• Arranged the Grand Darbar in Dellhi (in 1877), when the country was suffering from severe famine.
• Passed the Royal Title Act. (1876) and Queen Victoria was declared a Kaiser-i-Hind.
• He passed Arms Act. (1878) the infamous Vernacular Press Act, (1878) and lowered the maximum age of ICS from 21 years.
• Second Anglo-Algan War 1878-80.
• Famine Commission under Strachy was appointed by him in 1878.
• In 1876, Deccan Agrarian Relief act was passed.

Lord Ripon (1880-1884)

• He was appointed by the Liberal party under Gladstone. Repealed the Vernacular Press Act in 1882.
• The first Factory Act. came in 1881 (Improve the labour condition) in rural areas, Local Boards were set-up in 1889. Madras Local Board Act, was passed He was famously known as "Father of Local Self Government
• First Official Census in India (1881) Famine code was adopted (1883).
• Appointed Hunter Commission for Educational reforms in 1882.
• Ilboqrt Bill Controversy (1883-84) empowered Indian Judgesto inquire into European cases.
• Foundation of Punjab University.